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Hey, We are Media!

Recording video and audio at the event, post production, designing flyers and curating Social Media accounts. These are just a few tasks the media-department of the TEDxKielUniversity-team has to take care of. We, the media-team, are a multi-cultural bunch of students and doctoral candidates of the Christian-Albrechts-University. There’s Anna from Ukraine, Victor from Mexico, Adham from Egypt and Celina, Christine, Marika, Anais, Alex, Mikis, Simon and Henry from Germany. All of them are inspired to work together and make this first TEDx-event in Kiel a success. Over the past couple of weeks we met on a regular basis to work out a project structure, a budget plan and to set up the tasks for each member. One of our main priorities is dedicated to the search for proper video- and sound equipment. So far we took a number of possibilities into account, ranging from renting the gear to hiring a professional crew.

We have yet to find the right solution, but things are on their way and there are already a couple of great options in sight. Every team-member is involved in the process of finding the right people and equipment, and after reviewing work samples of all the potential candidates, we will make a final group-decision. Another major task is the curation of our Social-Media-accounts. We decided to use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to spread the word and promote the event. The accounts are already up and running and you can follow us on Twitter, Instagram or just like our Facebook-page where you will find lots of photos, updates and inspiring talks from previous TEDx-events around the globe to get you in tune for December 5th. In the next couple of months you will also get a little sneak behind the scenes of all the different groups (Location, Budget, Speakers and Media) on this blog, to see how we all work together to create a unique TEDx-experience.

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