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First Meeting of all Groups

It doesn’t matter what the weather is like – right on time for the famous “Kieler Woche” (Kiel Week) it is getting cloudy and rainy. So today will probably be the nicest day of the whole week. While everyone is at the Kiel Fjord to enjoy the sun and to welcome the sailing boats, sixteen students and PhD candidates are sitting inside at Café Impuls, a students’ co-working space. Despite the great opportunities outside we are enthusiastic and motivated, we are eager to make TEDxKielUniversity an event no less inspiring than all the other TEDx events.

Since it is the first time all groups – budget, media and location – meet to give an update of their work is quite amazing what has already been done. We talked about preparing meetings with sponsors, use of social media, the website, our TEDxKielUniversity logo, ticket prices, different locations we are able to use, our preliminary budget plan and many more things. Most important: Every group made concrete plans about what they are going to do the next few months. It’s going to be a hell lot of work but we are looking forward to the beginning of December – the day we can open the doors for the first time for TEDxKielUniversity.

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